How to Teach Spatial Learners Using Audio Courses

Learn how to best engage with the spatial learners in your audio courses in the article below.

What is spatial learning?

Otherwise known as visual-spatial learning, this learning style relies on one’s ability to perceive, understand, and analyze visual information in the world. These learners are most commonly known as those that can picture an idea or layout in their head. 

Traits associated with spatial learners

  • Vivid imaginations
  • Good problem solvers
  • Appear disorganized--think in scattered thoughts
  • See pictures, not words
  • See the whole picture, which can make it hard for them to break down a solution to others once it’s completed. 
  • Enjoy puzzles, maps, and building blocks
  • Highly perfectionist

How to teach spatial learners with Avocado

When thinking about teaching visual-spatial learners with Avocado audio courses, it’s important to understand that these students require more of the extra material than other learners. For example, by incorporating the use of graphics, pictures, games, and videos for students, they will experience more information retention. When talking in your audio tracks, mention the correlating videos and pictures that go along with the section to help students know what goes with what. This will help them follow along by listening to the content and looking at the documents. 

Start with the big picture first. Explain what you’re instructing on and why it’s important and then break it down from there. Visual-spatial learners do best with knowing the concept and being able to piece together the bits--it helps them to formulate a trickle-down method of how everything goes together. 

Don’t forget to be diligent when explaining the course covers and what the desired outcome is--what will the students learn during the duration of the course? In doing this, you will allow for visual-spatial learners to know the concept fully before deciding to take the course, but also, they can arrange the course in their desired order for themselves, if they choose to. They don’t like rigid structures and can grasp concepts pretty early on, which is why allowing them to listen out of order provides them certain freedom other modalities do not. 

A benefit for teaching with Avocado versus traditional education is that the students do not have to explain how they solved the problems addressed in the course. Typically those that are visual-spatial learners will experience difficulty when asked to explain how they built something or solved a problem. Without having to explain themselves, and being able to learn out of order, Avocado is an ideal learning environment for visual-spatial learners looking to keep their hands free and absorb information. 

Examples of engaging spatial learners

Build extra material for visual-spatial learners to read over in addition to the auditory lessons. They will listen to the audio components, given that most of the material will be covered through that medium, but they will need pictures and concepts on paper to conceptualize the ideas and information. 

Create a PDF course outline that delineates what the course objective is and then what is covered in each track. 
Publish your audio content on YouTube with visual examples showing as you describe concepts in the course. By doing this, you will be giving tangible examples that the students can see visually and then formulate into their own minds.

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