The Art of Witnessing - Meditation & Consciousness Program

The Art of Witnessing was inspired by the teachings of Enlightened Masters. This is a simple and powerful method that teaches you how to live consciously in the present moment. These techniques can be used in your personal life with your family members. They can be used in your professional life with your colleagues. You can also use the knowledge from this program to guide others. In today's fast paced modern world, there is a great need for naturals and holistic approaches to health and wellness. Essential factors such as fast paced lives, competitive work environment, noise pollution, family conflicts and financial pressure all result in a high stress life conditions. This can very easily manifest as physical, emotional and mental illness and diseases. This program introduces practical techniques that can be applied in today's fast paced society. You can apply the concepts of witnessing to all aspects of your life on a day to day basis. Included in this program, there is a guided meditation with soft eastern music in the background.

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