The Art Of Persuasion

The ultimate masterclass on advanced techniques for sales, influence and negotiation. In this masterclass, I’ll guide you into the deepest levels of how persuasion works. This is for people wishing to enhance their ability to persuade, encourage or convince prospective customers, clients or other stakeholders. It is especially useful for sales and marketing people, account managers, directors and team leaders. This masterclass will help you to understand psychological processes, use language effectively to build rapport and create influence, as well as providing you with tools to manage your own personal excellence. Themes covered include: • How persuasion works • The most common mistakes in persuasion and how to avoid them• Enabling authenticity in persuasion • Rapport – developing powerful connections with others • Mirroring and matching – non-verbal communication to build rapport • Psychogeography – meaning and psychology of spacial gesturing • Creating stories through metaphor / language patterns • State elicitation – creating and managing emotional states of others • Anchoring – learning to press other peoples (and your own) buttons

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