Negotiation Masterclass

In this course I'll go through all the fundamentals of Negotiation. We all negotiate, even in our personal lives. With our wives, kids, parents or bosses. Everyday. Knowing the negotiation background and understanding what is at stake each step of the way will empower you to reach your objectives. In this course I'll touch the following topics: - Preparation and planning - Dialogue - Making an offer / Proposal - Closing the deal - Confirming, implementing and reviewing the deal By the end of the course you'll have a wide spectrum of things you have been missing and you'll be equipped to face any negotiation (personal or professional) at your benefit. I'll explain and show you some tools you can use to give you a stronger position. At the end of the course in the bonus lesson besides templates and many support material, you'll find some slides explaining how this course can help you on your career.

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