Influencer Marketing Like a Boss

This is the ultimate Influencer Marketing Like a Boss audio course sharing insights for entrepreneurs, influencers and brands. You will learn highlights of my experiences from starting from scratch to researching >50 platforms, creating our own platform, working with >15,000 influencers, working as an influencer, creating & scaling >100 campaigns, reaching >700 million in reach in <1 year, & >3000% ROI and much much more. I share an intro in this course of: My Five Step System Identifying Ideal Influencers Phenomenal Platforms & Registering Creating & Growing Campaigns Short to Long Term Strategies Metric Matters & ROI You will learn step by step how-to create and run influencer marketing like a boss hands-on. PLUS: BONUSES of: -Influencer PDF Guide -Features & Interviews on -Influencer Marketing Platforms -Bloggers & Press Trips -Better Marketing & ROI

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