How to Write Persuasive Product Pages

You face three challenges when selling products online: 1. The sales process starts long before buyers land on your product page 2. Potential customers can't handle your product 3. Potential customers can't talk to a salesperson (the way they do in a store) before they buy To meet these three challenges, you need to start selling on Google. You need to write copy on your product pages knowing that this copy will show up in search results. You need to write product descriptions that work with product images, and choose product images that work with your copy. And you need to anticipate the most common (and pressing) objections and questions that your potential buyers have, and meet these head-on in your copy. To be successful writing copy for online product pages, you also need to master the essential parts of each product page, namely: page title tags page description tags short product descriptions long product descriptions image alt tags offers upsells guarantees This course teaches you how to write copy that sells products online. You learn dozens of online copywriting tips that help you craft effective copy for shopping carts and online store pages.

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