Copywriting for Beginners Part 3 of 3: How to Persuade

Your success as a copywriter depends on your ability to persuade. As a salesperson behind a keyboard, your job is to persuade people to buy products and services. Your job as a copywriter is not to be clever, or witty, or to win awards. Your job is to persuade. Welcome to Copywriting for Beginners, Part Three of Three: Persuasion. I'm your instructor, Alan Sharpe. I got started as a copywriter in 1989. In the years since then, I've worked as a freelancer and as an in-house copywriter at an ad agency. I have written in all of the channels—offline, online, outdoor, mobile and broadcast. I have written print ads, radio commercials, email newsletters, sales letters, banner ads, product packaging, brochures, factsheets, case studies, slogans and plenty more for Apple, IBM, Bell, Re/Max, Hilton Hotels and hundreds of other clients worldwide. I got married, bought a house, and raised two kids on my copywriting salary alone. In case you're wondering, I've been teaching copywriting since 1995. On Udemy, I teach copywriting to over thirteen thousand students from one hundred and thirty-nine countries. I am one of the top-rated instructors in the copywriting niche on Udemy. Why take this course This course teaches you how to write copy that persuades people to buy. I teach you the tips and tricks I've learned in over 30 years of writing effective copy. At the end of this course, you’ll know how to write copy that generates results. You’ll know how to craft copy that persuades. Course structure This course is divided into three sections. Section one is all about persuasion. You'll learn how to give your sales pitch a proven structure. I'll show you how to write using features and benefits. You'll learn how to write copy that overcomes objections. We'll cover testimonials, guarantees, deadlines and other tactics that persuade people to buy. Section two is all about offers. You'll discover why your copy needs an offer. We'll look at the two main categories of offers. And I'll share with you the many ways you can use offers to boost the power of your copy to persuade. Section three is all about keeping your readers hooked. You’ll learn how to write subheads and photo captions that keep your potential buyers engaged in your copy. I’ll show you how to make your copy more effective by making it conversational and personal. This course is filled with practical, step-by-step advice, tools, tips and tricks that I've learned over the years as a professional copywriter. I use dozens of examples from the real world of copywriting—both offline and online—to teach you to art of writing persuasive copy.

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