Capitalism Level 2: Money, Money, Money

In this course we will explore Capitalism and consider how we can become rich by applying its principles. With Capitalism we can become rich as individuals, as groups, as countries and finally as a human society. A rich and prosperous human society is a prerequisite for world peace. I observe that some people don't like Capitalism so much and may even consider it evil. If you are such a person then I encourage you to check out this course and consider the ideas presented. If after reflecting on the ideas presented, you still possess some negative feelings towards Capitalism then I encourage you to contribute to all of us by sharing your observations in the discussion areas. Or in a review as long as the review is accompanied with a 5 star rating :P Watching a few videos is probably not enough to become rich, but if you study this course seriously and apply the principles presented in your daily life then I have no doubt in my mind that you will become rich. I hope you will ! Capitalism- is a social system based on private ownership of the means of production. It is characterized by the pursuit of material self-interest under freedom and it rests on a foundation of the cultural influence of reason. Based on its foundations and essential nature, capitalism is further characterized by saving and capital accumulation, exchange and money, financial self-interest and the profit motive, the freedoms of economic competition and economic inequality, the price system, economic progress, and a harmony of the material self-interests of all the individuals who participate in it.

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