Breathing Mastery for Optimizing your Physiological State

According to Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges, PhD, breathing is both a reflection of, and an efficient gateway into, your current physiological state. Through deliberate and skillful breathing awareness and techniques, you will learn to manage, manipulate and ultimately master your own nervous system for optimal health, growth, resilience and performance. This class provides you with an experiential practice and a simplified summary of tons of research related to topics such as breathwork, Polyvagal Theory, respiratory sinus arrythmia, heart rate variability, baroreceptor efficiency and chemo sensitity to carbon dioxide. This is an evidence based approach where you will learn, understand and implement the 3 key components of proper breathing, including biomechanics, biochemistry and cadence for maximizing the vagal regulation of your heart and anchoring your nervous system in the ventral vagal complex of your parasympathetic nervous system. This course is appropriate for anyone interested in improving their overall health, resilience, longevity, performance and quality of work, relationships and life, through the portal of breathing combined with leading-edge science, specifically related to Polyvagal Theory.

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