Blue Marble

Historical romance audiobook, based on actual events. In Blue Marble you are a feisty and fetching woman in the richest decade of American history. Every man in Marble, Colorado exhales vocally at your provocative 1910 fashions. And it doesn’t hurt that there are fifty strapping men for every female in this booming quarry camp in the rarified mountains of Colorado. Or… perhaps… you’re the man who practically invented modern marble extraction. Every day you’re pulling out a hundred tons of the finest statuary marble the world has ever seen. The Lincoln Memorial and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are your finest achievements. Or… maybe… you are just a broken widower looking for the most remote place on earth to hide. You could lose the next decade to misery and grinding depression without notice. It would be just fine if you never spoke to another human being, ever. Until your eyes landed on her. Blue Marble promises the most satisfying love story you’ve read in a while. When you’re finished, you’ll ask for the prequels, Swallow the Dog and If Only For a Season. If you're still reading, you may be a history nut. Okay… at least that's out. Now, let's talk about 1910 Colorado. And specifically, the little mountain utopia of Marble, Colorado. Turns out it was famous… for about ten years. That little mountain town produced the stone used in the Lincoln Memorial and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Actually, about two-hundred museums, state houses, post offices, and municipal buildings used stone from Marble, Colorado. That is, until World War I wrecked the whole thing. Too bad, so sad. But up until then, this was your typical industrial western boomtown. And this little historical audiobook tells the dramatic story, complete with its own little love story woven into the fabric. You will really like it. Still reading? Geez, this audiobook is definitely for you! Click the button and get started. You won’t regret it.

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