Activating Your Personal Success by MindMastery

This "Activating Your Personal Success" MindMastery course was created by Dr. Patrick Porter to guide you through a transformation process to end procrastination, overcome bad habits, and redirect your energy into usable motivation. The MindMastery experience begins with an informational/motivational recording that you can listen to anytime and anyplace, to give you context and understanding for the state of mind you are experiencing and a step-by-step process towards transformation. Next, you'll find two "hypno-acceleration" sessions for reprogramming your thoughts. The first is single-voice and the other is dual-voice. We suggest listening to both in that order (on different days) to decide which format best suits you when you listen again in the future. For best results when listening to the hypno-acceleration meditation sessions, please find a comfortable place to sit or lie down and close your eyes, and do set the intention to listen again and again to reinforce the change you want to make. The beauty of hypnosis is, you don't have yet know the "why" or the "how", you just have to focus on the result you seek. Dr. Patrick Porter is an award-winning author, inventor, speaker, and Quantum University faculty member. Patrick has devoted his professional career to developing successful neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), meditation, visualization, and hypnosis methods that empower people and is a highly sought-after expert within the personal development industry. He created the MindMastery series to help people like you focus on, visualize, and create the life they desire.

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